No one should say they didn’t have enough warning
about a bushfire
Early Warning is – SUMMER
Current Warning is – HOT WINDY DAY FORECAST
Be prepared as if for
catastrophe every hot windy day.
Any bushfire can be catastrophic when you don’t know enough about what
to do.
Have water containers filled, and set around the house.Throwing dippers, sprayers and mops available in an instant.Protective clothing for a Survival Kit
Take small children, the aged and frail to pre-arranged safe area.
If you have a country property, go there to
make it safe.
Cancel unnecessary country trips.
Cancel unnecessary country trips.
Move stock into their refuge area- Do not
leave this until embers fall.
Clear under the house of flammables.
Rake grounds clear of flammables.
Bring in outdoor furniture, hanging baskets
and toys.
Move plastic pots from flammable walls.
Clear litter from forks of trees. Strip loose
Mow any long grass. Bury rakings and grass
clippings in mulch heap.
Check for loose tiles or roofing sheets.
Prepare covers for windows, evaporative air
conditioner and vents.
Check protective clothing kits.
Connect nozzle-activated hoses to taps.
Attach pump to reserve water and test.
Fill troughs, stirrup pumps, knapsacks, garden
sprayers, buckets.
Put throwing
dippers, mops or wet bags in buckets, troughs, the bath, etc.
Place these around buildings at windows, wall
angles, sub-floor, gaps, ceiling space.
Set ladder, water-filled sprayers, and torch
at ceiling space inspection hole.
Clear the gutters. Block downpipes, fill
gutters with water.
Set ladder against roof on leeward side.
If not already done, take precious possessions
to a friend’s safe house.
Or put in refuge room or hired locker.
Or bury in a garden dugout.
Essential Bushfire Safety Tips and The Complete Bushfire Safety Book
list the safe actions to take at each stage of bushfire threat.
Action lists of what to do during a bushfire were originated by me in my
The Complete Australian Bushfire Book 1986
No bushfire authority brochure had them before this.
The Country Fire Authority says of Essential Bushfire Safety Tips 3rd edition:
The Country Fire Authority says of Essential Bushfire Safety Tips 3rd edition:
‘Truly an outstanding achievement
and a book that certainly
could help save lives within the community.’